Friday, May 25, 2007

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'...

The Ginger and the kids met up with Quinn's best friend Perry and his brother and Mom for a bowling playdate today. I heard all total they bowled 19 games. Ginger, Cece (Perry's Mom) and Drew (Perry's younger brother) only bowled one game each. That means Quinn, Perry and Catherine bowled 16 games between them (I'm pretty sure that extra game in there was Quinn). Evidently Quinn worked on his form throughout the day. Ginger took some mini videos and you could see him improving throughout the videos. He ended up doing really good by the end. He even got to the point where he could run up and release the bowl very much like you're suppose to instead of doing his normal shot put throw. I threw together a couple of clips from the ones Ginger took above. My little guy is growing up. Catherine meanwhile stopped using the ramp for throwing the ball and started doing a granny roll. And that's really good progress for her to move away from the ramp since she had been depending on that a lot the last couple of times we had gone. Won't be long now till they're giving me a run for my money.

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