Friday, May 11, 2007

Mother's Tea

Today was Mother's Tea or some such thing at school. So Ginger stopped by and the kids doted on her for a bit. Hope Ginger was hungry, because both kids insisted on going to get her a plate of food. Based on the picture I got the food, one of the kids really likes monkey bread. I included the link because as I was typing "monkey bread" I got interested in why it is called monkey bread and started searching the web. I figured someone else might wonder also. Who says this blogging thing can't be educational.

After school the kids had a playdate over at Perry's house. Looks like they played outside with some water toys based on the pictures I've seen of the event.

The bad thing was since Catherine was running around without shoes on outside she got what we thought was a splinter in her foot. Extracting this turned into an ordeal I never want to go through again. To the point where I'm considering instituting some type of rule where the kids can never ever be barefoot. Ok, maybe I'm overreacting just a bit. But the whole process of trying to dig this thing out of her foot was a struggle and if I never have to go through it again I'm perfectly fine with that.

I got completely frustrated trying to extract it because I was trying to be gentle. Catherine meanwhile was pulling a Shatner and completely overacting as if I was Gonzales interpreting the Geneva Conventions. All of which in turn made me get snippy with Ginger and Catherine.

Wish we had something to adequately dull the nerves in her foot, but all we had was Bactine, and while it claims to be an anesthetic, I don't think it's a very strong one (what am I saying, it's over the counter, of course it isn't that strong). Ginger's the one that eventually got it. She eventually just went for it and dug deep while I was holding Catherine still (Catherine was screaming out at the top of her lungs the entire time). Once Ginger got the offending item out it turned out that it appeared to be a very small piece of broken glass that had lodged itself pretty deep. I'm just hoping that we got all of it and it doesn't get infected. If anyone else has advice for how to handle this type of situation, please fill us in.

And finally, thanks to everyone that had kind words about Quinn's Jedi video yesterday. Hope everyone enjoyed watching it as much as we enjoyed making it.

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