Wednesday, May 09, 2007

The Post That Time Forgot

So this past weekend the kids gave their grandparents some pottery they made at Clay Cafe. Now that they gave the pottery to them, there's no longer a reason to not show when they made it. I've had a post in draft mode for a while waiting until I could have it go live. So wait no longer and make with the clicky to see the post that time forgot.

I got to go see Spider-Man 3 yesterday. I took off early from work and went to see it with Ben. What follows will be a spoiler free review. As for what I thought of the movie, about the nicest thing I can say is that it was better than working. If I had to actually rate the movie it would get the "meh" rating. The movie feels long. And that's partly because there are way too many sub threads going on simultaneously. There are a couple of amusing and funny bits in the movie, but there are also a couple where it tries to be funny and it falls on it's face. The movie has a ton of special effects, but sadly they're not all as top notch as they have been in the previous movies. The other thing that's annoying about the movie is how often you hear Toby Maguire (as Spider-Man) scream. I'm not going to go so far as to say he sounded like a little girl, but it was close. The other thing I noticed in this movie is that in the previous movies falling rubble was a big concern, but in this one it doesn't seem like anyone cared (except the people on the streets). The new big special effect seemed to be moving through the falling rubble. I think there were several scenes where that occurred. The other annoying thing was the amount of screen time where Spider-Man loses his mask. Seriously, I know the big name actors want face time, but this constant running around without your mask is crap. It's not as bad as the Judge Dredd movie was about it (don't even get me started on that one), but there are still lots of times where he's running around sans mask or costume. This was definitely the weakest of the three movies in my mind. I know they're already talking about doing movie four, but I hope if they do they get back to the basics of the previous movies. More special effects does not necessarily mean a better movie folks.

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