Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Even More Presents

What? You thought Quinn was done getting presents? Nope. Not yet. We've been spacing out (a.k.a. spoiling him, but what the heck, it was his birthday) some of the presents we're giving him so he wouldn't be completely swamped with so many presents all at once.

Today he decided he wanted to use the new Basketball thing that my Aunt and Uncle gave him. He insisted we had to play with it. Then after about half an hour or more of inflating this monstrosity Quinn played with it for a while, then came inside and said it wasn't as fun as he thought it was going to be. And I'm not calling it a monstrosity because the toy itself is bad, but man is it big and going to present some serious storage problems unless we deflate it after every use.

Quinn also opened up what I think is his last present from us and that was his new scooter. His old one fell apart at some point, so Ginger got him this new one. This one also only has two wheels, whereas the last scooter he had was a three wheeled one. Both Quinn and Catherine took some turns on the scooter. Quinn did really well and seemed to have almost no problems with using it.

Quinn was nice enough to share the scooter eventually and let Catherine have a turn. After he gave her instructions on how to ride it she was off trying it She did pretty good, but never really went for a long stretch without having a foot on the ground. Ginger has suggested I try and fix the old scooter and Catherine could use that one.

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