Sunday, May 13, 2007

How To Botch Mother's Day

I'm a legend at work. Not in a good way either. See, someone at work (I'm not going to name and names, wait, yes I am) has made it their mission to make sure that everyone knows about all the stupid stuff I do as far as my interactions with Ginger go. And I'll be the first to admit that he has a lot of material to work with.

I have yet to hear anyone top the "forgot the birthday of the fiancee a mere two months before the wedding" incident. After he tells that one the responses are usually something like "and she married him anyway?". Not exactly one of my prouder moments. And while I had reason for it happening, verbalizing it with "Well, I remembered I needed to do something earlier in the day, but then forgot later on" sounds like something you might hear John Kerry say on the campaign trail.

It's gotten so bad that I've actually heard people at work say stuff like "I pulled a James" when describing some silly comment they've made to their significant other. Again, I know I'm not the only person that does stuff like this, but I apparently do it more often than others and with greater flair (for lack of a better word).

And I've done it yet again. On Mother's Day you probably should do *something* for your wife / mother of your children. And if you don't get anything, telling her the night before you don't have anything and that after you put the kids to bed you fell asleep during the time you had planned on going out to get a card doesn't seem to be the correct course of action either. Nope, not good.

One day I'm going to write a relationship book on "What not to do". I figure I can probably get a trilogy out of it. Anyway, I tried to make up for it some today by watching the kids and letting Ginger go do whatever she wanted. So I got up with them this morning. Quinn woke up at 6:30 (remember that whole thing earlier about kids getting up earlier on the weekends for some reason, that was in full force today), but he had to stay in his room till 7:30. Not that it mattered since I had only gotten to bed around 3:15 the night before. Needless to say I was wee bit tired today.

I even tried to make breakfast so Ginger could have breakfast in bed. But she had nursery duty at church this morning, which means we have to leave earlier than normal. So she was already up and starting to get ready by the time I got the breakfast made.

After church I took care of making lunch. I reheated leftovers! Woo. Yay me. I did make cheese sandwiches for the kids, so that was at least something new. Then after that I let Ginger go upstairs and nap for a bit while I watched the kids outside.

Based on how these kids go from thing to thing you would think they have the attention span of a four and six year old. What's sad is that Catherine's attention span is actually longer than Quinn's these days.

One minute they're on their scooter and their bikes, next they want me to set up the tent in the front yard. Then they decide they really want to use the moon bounce (and after spending yesterday at Pump It Up, I have no idea why they would want to use the moon bounce). Then it's on to baseball which somehow led to 'fishing'.

Once Ginger was up from her nap I decided I would try and take care of dinner also (and no, I didn't just order pizza, but only because we had pizza leftover from the birthday party the day before). While we were deciding on dinner, I had the kids paint some pictures for Ginger. Neither picture is going to be in demand by Sotheby's anytime soon, but I'm sure Ginger thinks their wonderful.

For dinner we went with grilling out. I had Quinn help by making a hamburger patty for Ginger. He made the one that's the size of the other two put together.

And then while the food was grilling, I tried taking a couple of pictures of the kids. Figured if nothing else I could maybe get a shot Ginger might like and maybe that would count as a Mother's Day present. But Catherine had no interest in getting her picture taken, and that's about the best I could get of Quinn. I'm thinking the couch is looking pretty comfortable tonight. :-)

Anyway, for anyone still reading (Hi Mom), Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there. And I will say that I do think Ginger is a superb Mom, even though I'm apparently too unthoughtful to show her that fact in some preplanned tangible way.


gaz said...

right there with you mate. i usually end up getting the boys up mega-early to make a card before ali wakes up.

- - "forgot the birthday of the fiancee a mere two months before the wedding" incident - -
classic, just classic.

Barry said...

My softball team's captain had what I thought was a good argument concerning Mother's Day and your spouse; "what do I need to do, she's not my Mother." Yes, and we did play a double header on Mother's day.

Curt Sawyer said...

My softball team's captain had what I thought was a good argument concerning Mother's Day and your spouse; "what do I need to do, she's not my Mother."

And he's still married?

The Dogfather said...

And here I thought, "I want to play computer games, and shut yer piehole!" was about as bad as you got...
*shakes head*