Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Catherine's Dance Recital

Catherine had her first dance recital today. I must admit, I was a little underwhelmed. I don't know what I was expecting, but I'm pretty sure standing along the wall of her dance room and just watching a regular class wasn't it. I moved from where I originally was sitting to go over and sit by Ginger before it started. That turned out to be a mistake since Catherine was constantly on the other side of the room. To make matters even more uninteresting I would say 50% of the time they had the group in a circle and Catherine was facing away from us. And then for the time she was facing us, she hardly did anything. She probably only actively participated and really danced during 3 or 4 songs, the rest of the time she just sort of stood there. She did dance her little heart out to the "Zippity Do Dah" song, but I had basically already seen her do that. And speaking of the songs, when did ballet start being done to the music of the Wiggles? Sure, the Wiggles are fairly effeminate, but I've never considered their music ballet music. And I joke about the Wiggles, but in order for an all male band for kids to work, they have to take a softer approach. Heck, for the kind of money those guys are probably bringing in, the manliness sacrifice is a price I would gladly pay.

I may try and put together a video of the Catherine in the recital, but it's going to be tough to keep it interesting since as I said most of the time she was on the other side of the room or facing away from us. Actually, I may be able to get a video of Quinn doing ballet moves since before the recital he was running around the room doing stuff. He was pretty funny, and while he wasn't as coordinated at the moves as Catherine, he was showing more enthusiasm doing them. I think part of Catherine's problem was she hadn't done her dance moves before in front of so many people before. At least I'm hoping that's what it was. After the recital I headed back to work while everyone else went out to eat at Wendy's. Once they all got home, Ginger, Grammy and Nana all took the kids on a bike ride to one of the local parks. Ginger managed to get a lot of pictures, and even apparently tried some artsy ones. The following are some of her pictures.


Anonymous said...

*Thump* *Thump* *Thump* Excuse me, is this thing on? I am sure months ago I explained the concept of the special dance class we had yesterday. We have also been calling it a special dance class for the past week. Thus expectations should have been to go see a dance class, not a recital.

- The wife

Curt Sawyer said...

So by "special" they meant "parents will be there" and by "dance class" they meant "dance class".
