Another Big Day
Quinn woke up in a coughing fit this morning, so I decided pretty early on that he wouldn't be going to church this morning. Whatever Catherine had last week I'm pretty sure she gave to Quinn who gave it to me. On the positive side, aside from the coughing episode this morning, he seems to only have a mild runny nose today, so I'm hoping in the next day or two I'll be back to normal (for lack of a better word). While we were waiting on Ginger and Catherine to get up this morning, I let Quinn watch the end of the NASCAR race from Saturday night. I doubt he appreciates that I had to miss Tivo'ing Justice League Unlimited in order to record the race for him and had to resort to watching the program in real time last night (it felt like being back in the stone ages). I've said it before and I'll say it again, Justice League Unlimited is a fantastic show, and the next couple episodes (which are the last ones since it wasn't renewed) look like they're going to be outstanding (Cartoon Network at 10:30 on Sat, set your DVRs now). Quinn and I just hung out while the girls were at church. We played his new game he got yesterday, and he also played with his NASCARs a lot. Things we didn't do that we should have were give him a bath and get him dressed before Ginger and Catherine got back. Oops.
We let Quinn pick where we were going to eat lunch, and anyone that keeps up regularly won't be the least surprised to hear he picked "Old McDonald's". I checked the nutritional chart during lunch, and it appears that lunch there accounted for 66% of my daily fat intake because of my choice of the cheap double cheeseburger and a medium fry. To be honest, it wasn't worth it. It tasted okay, but for that kind of fat percentage, I'm thinking it should be the best tasting thing ever.
After lunch even though today was Quinn's day, we went and bought Ginger's Mother's Day gift early. We decided to get her an iPod. Partly because we think we must be the only people on the planet that haven't bought one and wanted to see what all the fuss was about. And partly because of John continuously pimping his. We got the 30 Gig version for anyone that's interested in the details. It's possible Ginger might decide to share how she likes it at some later date.
Once we got home we had the kids nap, they've really missed out on sleep lately (as have Ginger and myself). So after a bit of a nap we let Quinn come downstairs and open some more presents from Ginger and myself. He got a set of golf clubs (this was Ginger's idea, I can't stand the game personally, mostly because I'm terrible at it), a soccer ball, some geo magnets and a hovercraft. He seemed to really like the hovercraft. Although at times I was really worried he was going to break something using it in the house.
At this point it was getting rather late and we hadn't eaten dinner. So we decided we would go out and we once again let Quinn pick where to go. This time he picked Red Robin. He nibbled at his dinner, but mostly was mesmerized by the Tom and Jerry cartoons and when he wasn't watching the cartoons played with the NASCARs he had brought with him. He did get slightly embarrassed when the wait staff came over and sang to him though.
Yes, well, I keep waiting for my residual check from Apple. Strangely missing.
Well I don't have an ipod, and neither does the wife, and I don't think we have any immediate plans to change that. So you aren't the last ones on the planet. Your hubris astounds me!
1. iPod rock, particularly when at the gym doing cardio.
2. McDonalds sucks. I can't stand to eat there anymore - it actually makes me ill to eat their burgers and fries. Last time was at an airport and I just felt gross for hours.
3. John is a pimp for iPod, and you don't send him a note about buying a pimp hat. I pimp for JSto and get called on it! Maybe you should buy him that hat.
4. Being sick SUCKS MY ASS!! I hate it, probably beacuse I get sick very rarely. But with Loren bringing home nasty virii from day care, we'll just have to see.
1. I would go work for Apple if the rest of the engineers in the Bay Area didn't already have the same idea...missed that boat too.
2. Funny thing about my iPod. I didn't think I would use it, and that I would always be apologizing to Jeff about how much I liked it, but didn't have time...blah blah blah. But instead, Apple tapped into something here, and created a product that is just fun to have.
3. Curt posted 'ass' on both of our blogs this morning. Someone has a rant bubbling up inside them :)
Have no fear...a rant is coming soon depending on how quickly Verizon gets something fixed for me...
Oh, I'm sure Verizon will shake conventional wisdom and do a top-notch job :) James Earl Jones would never lie.
In response to the pimpage allegations, John is merely continuously mentioning his iPod, whereas Curt actively pushes people to go Sto's site, or buy the book, or show up at a book signing (much like I tried to get more people to actively watch JLU). In effect I consider John's method to be akin to well done product placement within a show, whereas you and I fall more into the active loud blaring commercials. I would be more worried if I thought you were actually serious though, since you you actively included the link to Sto's site, I'm assuming it was meant to be humorous. And come on, I thought the pimp hat was hysterical (or this could be another one of those instances where I find something funny and no one else does, that happens a lot actually).
You're just kissing John's ass because he is giving you photography advice.
And I don't think I've been called a "loud, blaring commerical" before.
And it apparently isn't working as no-one I know purchased her book, or went to her book signing. When she is big time famous you'll all be sorry.
And in order to add JLU I'd have to remove something else. I've talked about what I watch on TV before.
Oh, and its "JSto", not "Sto". There are also a CSto (sister) and an MSto (mom).
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