Thursday, February 14, 2008

Another Birthday Party For Catherine

Might as well start of with another of the ice pictures from the other day. Almost all signs of the ice are completely gone now except for the roads which have large tracks of sand and salt that was put out.

Today was apparently only a half day at school or some such nonsense. Why was it only a half day? Because it's Valentine's Day. At least that's what the kids told me this morning. Seemed ridiculous to me. Although maybe it was a full day for all the kids and Ginger just picked up Quinn early since he was going to Richmond today. Apparently his grandparents got him tickets to the circus and he's going to that. Why isn't Catherine going? I mean after it her birthday here soon, right? Evidently she thinks she's afraid of loud noises and decided she didn't want to go. So Ginger took the kids down to Fredricksburg to meet Grammy, Grammaw and JJ to drop off Quinn with them.

Quinn's been doing this annoying thing in pictures lately. Whenever he 'poses' for a picture he throws out an arm (as if he's throwing a punch or declaring victory after a race or something). It wouldn't be that bad if he just did it sometimes, but he does almost all the time these days in pictures. Between that and his bad hair these days it's been making getting pictures of him really difficult since the camera will often pick the closet thing to focus on it means a lot of times pictures of him are extremely out of focus. Although I think the pictures Ginger took today turned out pretty good. Oh yea, and I forgot to mention that the other day one of the kids in Quinn's class at school accidentally stepped on his hand and the nail on his finger that he slammed in the car door finally fell off. Which is good (I think) because as I mentioned once a while ago it didn't appear to growing out and had stayed a solid black coloring.

And while they were down there they had a mini birthday party for Catherine at the Krispy Kreme. She got some presents too, but her big present was a rocking chair which she loves according to Ginger. I was a bit hesitant about her getting a rocking chair since when I was young I fell and cracked my head open on one and ended up needing stitches across my eyebrow. Funny how something like that can influence you so much later on in life.


The Dogfather said...

when I was young I fell and cracked my head

Ah.... so THAT is what's wrong with you!

(Love the ice shot btw)

Curt Sawyer said...

...I fell and cracked my head open...

Maybe she is more coordinated than you were (or are)! ;-)

BullBunky said...

This ice photo is my favorite.