Monday, April 02, 2007

All Alone Again...

Ginger and Quinn departed for Richmond around lunch time. So I'm on my own till they return later in the week. They were going to leave yesterday, but Ginger insisted on sticking around and getting the tires on her car replaced. We got her car inspected on Saturday at the dealership and they gave her a laundry list of items they thought should be fixed. One of which was that the front tires needed replacing because "you could see the treads". Now why I do I think they're full of it? The car passed the inspection. If the tires were as bad as they say, there's no way they could have passed the car. Now one of the front tires was a little worn, but that was about it. It looked like this.

Now I'll admit, that a little worn over on the right, but it's not "the tread is showing". If you'll remember, my car failed inspection back in January because the treads were showing on the tire. Here's what that looked like.

Now that's a tire in need of replacing. None of my arguments mattered though. Ginger felt like she needed to get the tires replaced before she left for peace of mind. So she took the car into the dealership this morning to have them do it. So not only do we not buy these tires online either, we got them from the dealership. Just a little more salt in that wound and I should be good. And lo and behold they found other stuff they claimed had to be fixed right then also. And people wonder why I think the dealers are on the shady side. Enough about that though, no one wants to listen to me ranting about dealerships. I just have to accept that it's like that story about the scorpion, it's in their nature to do things like that.

And how long ago did blogger start telling you how much room you were using with your photos? When I upload now there's a little blurb telling how much space I'm using. And it looks like the 300 megabyte limit has been increased to 1 Gig. In case you're wondering, so far I'm using 115 MB of space. So that means I can go for about seven more years at my current rate before I fill up my allotted space. Looks like I was right before about how picture storage for Blogger is now tied to some Picasa Web album account. And speaking of pictures, here's a couple random pictures from today.


Scott said...

I have two rules about tire treads:

1. If you insert a penny into the tread (Lincoln's head facing into the tire), if the tread doesn't clear the top of Lincoln's head, it's time to replace the tire.

2. Never go to a dealer.

Scott said...

by the way, the tulip is really nice.

Buddy Tignor said...

The mechanic was using the wrong term. Tread is the surface of the tire that makes contact with the road. It has the patterns that provide traction. When it is worn down you can see the interior construction of the tire...usually the metal belt that provides strength. That is why resurfaced tires are called retreads....

...saying the "tread is showing" is not a reason to fail an inspection :-)

...the tread could be "worn"...but on your car tire what was showing was either the edge of the metal belt or the edge of the nylon belt which is usually little wider than the steel belt.