Sunday, April 22, 2007

Procrastination Burns Me Again

Had a really nice day today. Almost a bit too hot to be honest (apparently we're just not going to have any weather that's comfortable, we're going to go straight from a bit too cold to it being too hot). The kids played outside some, Quinn more so than Catherine.

Catherine seemed a bit sluggish today (at least compared to her normal routine). She's either getting knocked for a loop by the high pollen counts or starting to come down with something. Could easily be the pollen, I don't have what would be called allergies, but for the past two days I've been hit pretty hard by the high pollen count myself.

We grilled out for dinner (it was too nice not to), and I had Quinn help make and cook a mini hamburger. He had promised a couple weeks ago that he would cook and at least try a hamburger (pretty sure it was his normal scam of pushing off stuff until later hoping we're going to forget it). Anyway, I had been mentioning the project to him almost daily in order for him to remember what he had promised. He seemed pretty excited about making it and cooking it, but not so much with the eating it. He did technically try a bite (although the bite was so minuscule that it's hard to really even say he tried it). Of course the end result was he claimed he liked it, but then refused to eat anymore of it (which is his typical modus operandi these days).

In fact, the day was so nice that I didn't end up starting my weekend project of replacing the kitchen faucet until late tonight (it's been leaking for almost a year, so it's about time to think about fixing it). Waiting until night ended up being a huge tactical mistake. You know how when you start a project, sometimes it requires that one last trip to the hardware store. Starting it at 9 tonight meant that the hardware store was already closed. The problem I ran into was when I turned the water off under the sink, it didn't actually turn off the water all the way. There's a constant drip that comes out. So I'm thinking the shutoff valve is who knows how old and probably needs to be replaced. Which normally wouldn't be a big deal, I would just wait until tomorrow and get a valve from Home Depot. The thing is that turning the valve 'off' caused the valve itself to start leaking under the sink (like it's probably been bad for a while, but by turning it I really loosened something). It's a slow leak, so I just have a bowl under there catching the water at the moment, but I have this fear of this turning into another disaster like when I tried to replace the bathroom faucets and initially failed. I think I have my work cut out for me tomorrow night. This would have to go down on the night Heroes is back from it's hiatus (which reminds me that I need to catch up reading the online comic before tomorrow night). I'm just going to have to find where the main water supply is now though (although it was the hot water, so maybe I can just cut it off at the water heater). If I'm not at work on Tuesday, you can probably assume it's due to this somehow.

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