Friday, April 27, 2007

Cuteness Overload

The kids were invited over to play with Autumn and Tyler tonight. The kids always like going to someone else's house to play, because it's as if they have access to a whole new set of new toys.

We actually stopped them from going down the steps while still in the train since that seemed like a potential disaster waiting to happen (but I made sure to get the picture up above of them before we stopped them). You'll notice up above that Quinn's the one leading the potential train wreck down the stairs.

I thought all three of these pictures were simply oozing with cuteness. I actually got a much better one of Tyler in the tunnel where he wasn't posing, but the flash didn't go off so it ended up being way too dark to salvage.

Autumn definitely has Rob's athletic abilities as you can see here. Notice how she's evidently channeling Michael Jordan leaping between the sofas (notice the tongue).

Quinn was pretty wiped by the time we got home, so he'll probably be on edge most of tomorrow. I know I can't wait.

And finally, you simply must click through this link and watch this video. Click it. I'm serious, it's that good. It's called "Tiger Attack", but fear not, you don't see anyone get mauled or anything. I laughed so hard after watching this that I was literally crying for several minutes. At least I thought it was funny, but what do I know. Oh yea, on last thing. Go wish Barry a Happy Birthday (I was a tool and didn't know earlier so this is me trying to make up for it).


Scott said...

Man, those kids sure do look like Rob, but with red hair, of course. I'll assume that Rob's wife has red hair?

Anonymous said...

I actually witnessed that tiger marking event when I went to Vegas last year. I took a stroll through the Sigfried and Roy exhibit and noticed two tigers walking around close to the fence. I said to myself - "Self, you need to make sure to stay way from the back end of those tigers. That is an accident waiting to happen." So, I walk away but these fools who are fascinated with getting as close as possible to the tigers got sprayed almost immediately - parents and kids. Man, they were pissed. Gross!!

I like how the woman in the video says they will smell like popcorn all day. Somehow I don't think that would make me feel better about it.

JamesF said...

Cheryl: Man, they were pissed.

Pun intended?

Scott: I'll assume that Rob's wife has red hair?


Anonymous said...

Well, technically it's not urine when they mark but I can see where that pun would be good.

JamesF said...

Cheryl: Well, technically it's not urine when they mark

Guess that explains the comment about smelling like popcorn as opposed to smelling like, let's say, urine.