Monday, April 16, 2007

A Powerful Wind

Once the rained ended late last night we got wind. Lots and lots of wind. Really powerful wind. It blew over the kids playset in the back and blew it all the way down the hill in fact. And that thing isn't light by any stretch of the imagination. The wind was so strong last night that I was worried a couple of times that one of the trees out back would blow over and fall on the house.

Fairfax closed school early today due to the wind. Something about not being able to guarantee the safety of the kids in the school trailers. So because of that Quinn came home at noon when Catherine did.

And I can't believe the craziness that's going on down at my alma mater. But what I really can't believe was watching how crass some of the news organizations are being. I briefly saw some coverage of the Tech shooting on CNN tonight. And during it Paula Zahn was interviewing a student. And the student said he thought the university took the appropriate actions and that he wasn't mad at any officials or anyone at the university, and that people's anger should be directed towards the shooter. And then *right* after he says that Paula Zahn tries to get the student to admit that there was some action the university could have taken that would have prevented the later shooting and that it was somehow the universities fault. Unbelievable.

Look, I know they're looking for angles on the story here. We all get that. It is beyond obvious at this point. But it certainly appears that since they don't have all the details yet they're grasping at straws to try and keep things interesting. But for Pete's sake could they lay off trying to lay the blame for this on someone other than the shooter just for the moment. I was so disgusted at her comment I had to turn off the television and I will never watch anything else with her in it from this point forward. Which, to be honest, won't affect my life that much since I don't really watch anything with her on it now and I only was watching it because Ginger was had it on to see if any new details had come to light, but that's beside the point. Watching her try and twist the student's words towards her own agenda was horrible journalism. What happened to trying to be objective? Seriously, when did CNN turn into FOX news? I used to think CNN were the professional ones, but it appears they've let FOX drag them down to the lowest common denominator.

Not having said all that, I do feel terrible about what happened there and my hopes and prayers go out the students affected by this and to the families of anyone that lost someone there today.


Barry said...

I watched Brian Williams last night and Karen and I both commented on how good and respectful he was. He interviewed two students and the school president.

Buddy Tignor said...

I totally agree with you...I hate that casualties in Irag, shootings at Va Tech, ridiculous political scandals and lots of other harmful stuff...makes news stations more money and more money because they can charge more for commercials!!!

I am disgusted that people will profit from destruction and mayhem.