Sunday, April 15, 2007

Trapped Inside On A Rainy Day

It rained a lot today. And I mean a lot. The water basin completely filled up, and our backyard looked like a swamp. So there was no going outside to play for the kids. Quinn got to play some video games for a while, but got so worked up after playing them that I'm not sure when he's going to be allowed to play them again.

As I said yesterday, I managed to take a couple of pictures on Saturday. The these two were on the way home, so it was just after dusk, and it was still raining a bit and quite dark (which is why I think they have a blue tinge to them). And since it's not obvious enough I'll mention there was also a fair amount of fog. I'm sure there's a way to spruce these up in photoshop, but at the moment I'm not motivated enough to try it. I do have another couple of shots where there were obviously some raindrops on the filter, so I may try look into what it would take to fix those shots tomorrow.

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