Saturday, April 28, 2007

Playing 10 Pin

Took the kids bowling today with Rob and his kids. I had forgotten how long bowling can take when you have the littler ones there. The last couple of times I've gone I've just taken Quinn. Adding in Catherine with the ramp (and then later Rob's kids with the ramp) really slows the process down. To the point where normally we can bowl a couple of games, but today we were only able to get through one game. I took my camera, but left the memory card at home in the computer (D'oh!), so I have nothing decent as far as photos of the event (I took the small handheld, but it just doesn't do well inside and I basically use it for taking movies these days). Rob took their fancy new Nikon D80 camera, so maybe I can scrounge a couple of the shots he took at some point.

The game between the kids was a nail biter there at the end. I thought for sure Catherine had clenched a win in the tenth by getting a spare and then a strike, but Quinn then managed to get a spare and the exact number of pins needed to pass Catherine by 1 point at the very end.

And I had a less than average day, but considering the poor quality of lanes at the place we were at, I thought I did okay. And if you're wondering how Rob did, not too good. Rob's normally a better bowler than I am, but today's performance can be excused since he just pulled a Steve Austin rebuilding his leg several months ago (minus the bionic stuff). Add to that the fact that he didn't remember to bring his own ball and got stuck using one of the house balls (which I swear sounded like something from the Flintstones as it would 'roll' down the lane) and it's easy to see why he was didn't do as well as he normally does.

After bowling we went by Red Robin for lunch. Our kids were exhausted at this point. Quinn was lying down in a booth at times during dinner and Catherine insisted on being held by or sitting next to Ginger. They sort of got a second wind once we got home though. We went outside for maybe ten minutes in the afternoon before it started sprinkling rain. The kids played 'taxi' while we were outside, which is a fancy way of saying the conned me into letting them play in my car.

1 comment:

Scott said...

I just have to ask... in that first photo, is Quinn bowling or doing shot put? That ball is like four feet from the ground!