Monday, April 30, 2007

We Were Suppose To Turn Off What?

So it was TV turn off week last week. I feel kind of bad in that we didn't turn off the TV. The kids normally don't watch TV though, so I kind of justify it with that. And last week was no different, not sure they really watched anything at all last week. And then to add insult to injury, Earth Day was on the 20th and I didn't even know (I learned during the day when I did a Google search and the Google image was something to do with Earth day). In fact, my reputation as the recycling police at work has even been relegated almost into obscurity. Many new hires don't even realize my feelings on the subject and will sometimes throw away soda cans right in front of me (back when we were still a relatively small company, that would never happen and I had most people trained to at least do the right thing if I was around). So we didn't turn off the TV, and we didn't do anything for Earth Day. Ginger and I did nothing last week to curb our own TV watching (we didn't watch shows if they were repeats, but we don't watch repeats normally, so that wasn't exactly anything different). I feel somewhat hypocritical about the fact that we don't really let the kids watch TV, but I grew up watching it all the time and I still watch more than a fair amount. I'm just waiting for the day when they're teenagers and have become couch potatoes and I walk in and yell "Who taught to watch TV all the time?" And they'll respond with tears in their eyes, "We learned it by watching you!" (raise your hand if you remember that drug ad).

Quinn was an eating machine tonight at dinner. It was all fast food, so none of it was really any good for him, but he ate a ton (which these days is really unusual for him). He ate chicken fries, a nugget or two, most of an order of onion rings, fries, and then he had a frosty for dessert.

We got the proofs from where the kids had a professional studio sitting today. And I have to say, I didn't see anything overly impressive with the photos. Pretty sure I've taken some shots that were just as good as some of the pics from the sitting. They do look a bit more professional than stuff I take since it's obviously a studio setting and things are neat (as opposed to pictures I take around the house which is usually in various states of disarray with the kids toys everywhere). And you can tell multiple flashes were used, but really other than all that stuff it wasn't that much better than my stuff. Which now that I've written it all out I can see why it is better than stuff I do.

I see after writing all this about the kid's pictures, I realize I didn't take any new pictures today, so I have nothing with the kids to put up. Therefore you get to see some more random shots for the past week. Neither shot is particularly impressive, but when you go to post you use the pictures you have, not the pictures you want.

1 comment:

BullBunky said...

I've seen those chicken fries. They frighten me, because I'm not sure exactly what they are. I guess it shouldn't matter...its not like nuggets come from the nugget section of the chicken :)

As for your family photos...I think they are far better than any studio photo. Sure they can get everyone looking just right, and the multiple flashes can soften the shadows, but your photos are full of life. I'm sure if you stood the kinds in front of a fake bookshelf that you could have equal results.

BUT, having someone do the shoots and reshoots and prints and reprints means you can blame them if someone doesn't like how they look.