Monday, September 29, 2008

Stone Age Here We Come

So the bailout bill fails, the markets are in turmoil, and both Presidential candidates are laying the failure to pass the bailout squarely in the other's lap. Good times. If we really want to call a spade a spade then they both need to man up a bit. McCain should just admit he shouldn't have interjected himself into the middle of it and tried to give the impression he would single handedly avert the crisis. Obama on the other hand has given his verbal support for passing the bailout, but has done nothing tangible to see that it passes. I get the impression this was deliberate so that if it didn't pass, which I think the fact it didn't took most people by surprise, he wouldn't take the blame for it not passing (which in retrospect seems to have worked out pretty well for him).

With the recent failure of the bailout plan and what I've been assured by the media will be the ultimate collapse of civilization as we know it I've been seriously considering investing in some cows, goats and chickens and putting together a plan to live off the land. There is only one problem with this plan that I can foresee. And that is I would have to have raise cows, goats and chickens and live off the land. I've listened to the Little House on the Prairie audio book. I know how much work is actually involved and how hard it really is. Maybe we'll just go crash on my Uncle's farm once everything goes to crap. I wonder if you generate enough wind / solar power to run a TV and Wii? Not sure I could survive for long without an occasional video game fix.


gaz said...

"guest room... 2nd stall on the left!"

Cordell said...

i've got fond memories of that barn...