Thursday, September 11, 2008

She Likes Me, She Really Likes Me

Ginger had a meeting at school to attend tonight so I got to put the kids to bed. And as we were reading books beforehand Catherine leaned over and told me "I like you Dada."

It was completely unprompted and I was very touched, and told her "Thank you Catherine. I like you too."

Then she followed it up with "I don't like you as much as I like Mommy, but I like you." So I'm not in the number one spot, but at least I might be in the top ten.


gaz said...

i would hope you were more in the top two...

JamesF said...

Yea, I would hope that two, but I'm realistic. According to Ginger who talked to her about the post this morning I rank behind Wendy's, but am on par with McDonalds.

Barry said...

that's funny.

Cordell said...

Story time and a reality check...a heavy night! That's hilarious.

gaz said...

"on a par with mcdonalds"
that's hilarious...

Roylle said...

cute girl..