Thursday, December 20, 2007

Last School Day This Year

Today was the last day of school for the kids before the holiday break. And the elementary class put on a little performance singing some songs. The preschool classes were invited in to watch, as were all the parents.

Things started out pretty well. Quinn seemed to be in good spirits and was even singing along to the songs. Then after about three songs things started going awry. It started with the ever popular let's pick our nose in front of an audience of people. Then it progressed on to itchy pants, what appeared to be underwear adjusting and the ever popular raise the shirt and show everyone your stomach.

Then during the last couple of songs things took a decided turn for the worse. What? You actually thought that other stuff was as bad as it was going to get? Every 30 seconds or so Quinn would double over. But then after about 10 seconds he would pop back up and be good as new. Turns out he claims his stomach was apparently hurting there at the end, so I cut him some slack for that one. Of course, after the performance you wouldn't have known his stomach hurt with how he was running around. Once at home when it was time to go to gymnastics they almost didn't go, but then Quinn decided he really wanted to go.

The squeamish should just stop reading now. Well once there his stomach was hurting again so they started back home. And that's apparently when Quinn threw up (still in the car I might add). And then once he threw up apparently Catherine threw up which was probably from the sight / smell of Quinn throwing up. At least we think Catherine only threw up because of that since she hasn't been showing any other signs of being sick. Quinn on the other hand still hasn't recovered and has been acting drained since then and wasn't able to really eat or keep anything down after that. He's also devoid of energy, which is unusual for him. Here's hoping he gets better soon otherwise we might have to call off people coming up for Christmas.

Now we're left wondering whether something he ate disagreed with him, or whether this is some virus / bug that will eventually infect the rest of us. And this would have to happen right before the weekend where I was planning on finishing up some holiday shopping I haven't done (mental note: still need to get gifts for Ginger). Although I must admit I'm not looking forward to riding in Ginger's car anytime soon either since it usually takes more than just one of those scented cardboard pine trees to get the smell of throw up out of the car (in the past when it has occurred you had to sort of wait it out and it gradually dissipated over about a month).

It was cold this morning.


gaz said...

dude, that's bad news about the kids. hope they get better soon.
i laughed out loud when you described the journey with catherine's spontaneous projectile. it sounds like it could have been a scene from a steve martin movie! i also thought it humourous as every parent everywhere has/will at some point experience this.
seriously though - i hope they're both better soon.

Curt Sawyer said...

Loren threw up in the Rav4 last year, and I swear it was 10 times her stomach volume. We wiped it up with paper towels, sent the car seat covers through the wash (use HOT water!), and the Pièce de résistance was Fabreeze! I sprayed that stuff all in the carpet and on the seats and put the car in the garage (windows up!) for a week. When we got the car out the following weekend there was no smell. None at all.

Of course, your mileage may vary.

Barry said...

Nothing like a good vomit story to raise your spirits during this holiday season ;-)

JamesF said...

Barry: Nothing like a good vomit story to raise your spirits during this holiday season

Honestly now, is there really such a thing as a good vomit story?

Curt Sawyer said...

There was that time that you and Keith chased after the guys stealing Keith's car stereo in Falls Church. That was a good vomit story.
