Sunday, October 07, 2007

Naked Princess Slumber Party

We ended up missing church this morning because Ginger had a migraine again. I think this was day four of her having them. As such we ended up not doing much of anything today. The kids played outside around noon, but then Quinn got in trouble for talking back to Ginger and that was the end of playing outside for the day. Later in the afternoon we hung out downstairs in the basement for a bit. Catherine and I played princess which means playing with the ten Barbie / Disney dolls she has. Somehow I ended up having to be the naked princess (she had clothes, but the straps had broken and so Catherine had just removed the clothes). And no matter how many times I tried changing the game, Catherine always wanted to go back to playing princess again. I feel kind of bad for the princess dolls. There really are about ten of them, but she only has two prince type dolls, so a lot of these girls are going home empty handed. Or maybe the princes are going to have a fair number of mistresses. Or I suppose some of the rejected girls could end up playing for the other team. I did have the naked princess organize a slumber party for all the rejected girls (luckily Ginger was asleep at the time I pulled that one, otherwise I'm pretty certain I would have gotten into trouble for ad libbing to that extent).

The problem I had was trying to entertain both kids simultaneously. I tried setting up activities for one while I was playing with the other. Quinn just wanted to play football (in the house no less, I mean really, what could possibly go wrong), so while I did that with him I had Catherine drawing princess dresses on the white board (see picture up above, and yes, Catherine's eczema has been that bad recently). I have to admit, I think she did a really good job drawing for a four year old. Admittedly these girls have some serious long legs. I ran the numbers and scaled the measurements and if we assume the princess is six feet tall, then her legs are five feet and four inches (which means waist to top of head is about eight inches). Obviously she was exaggerating the leg length so she could concentrate on the dress design (at least I hope that's the case). I did run into problems with trying to have Quinn do something when I would get dragged back into playing princesses with Catherine though, so I eventually caved and let Quinn watch some TV. He got to watch the last four minutes of the Redskins game and after that we switched it over so he could watch the last 60 laps or so the Nextel NASCAR race.

1 comment:

Scott said...

That's really quite the title. I was hoping for something altogether different.