Friday, October 12, 2007

And Suddenly, It Was Cold

Yow. On Tuesday it was in the 90s, then on Thursday morning it was barely 50 outside when we went to school (I think it just made it into the 60s during the day). What happened to the gradual temperature change. That's like a 30 degree drop in just a couple of days. So everyone had to bundle up in jackets and sweaters for school Thursday morning. And check out Catherine wearing jeans again. I had to get pictures of this since otherwise I'm not sure people would believe it ever happened. I think she looked pretty good. Of course she complained about the jeans and wanted to change into something else.

And I took two pictures of all of us once we got to the school. And wouldn't you know it the one where Quinn and I look decent Catherine had her eyes closed. So this is the one that gets posted. *sigh*

And Thursday night for the first time that I can really ever recall, the TiVo locked up. Luckily the background processes were still running and recording, but the user interface just went completely south. I was going into the season pass for a Grey's Anatomy that was currently recording (to verify whether I had set it to record for an extra couple of minutes since Ginger missed the end of it last week and since I'm reacording it in digital it's a manual recording, if you have TiVo you know what I'm talking about, if you don't, just pretend you care) and the screen cleared all the text, changed to the green background and then just hung. All button presses after that resulted in the "Kung" sound (which in TiVo means you've made an invalid selection). So I wasn't able to watch stuff while things were recording, and I couldn't even get back to watch the stuff that was recording since the Live TV button and the main TiVo button were also not working. I had to wait until after 11 when things stopped recording so I could reboot the box and things seemed fine after that. Like I said though, the good news is the background processes kept right on chugging and recording. So it could have been worse I suppose. It actually took me by surprise since we've had TiVo for years now and this is the first time I recall the user interface completely locking up.

And yes, that last post really was by Ginger. She was so moved by the knock knock jokes she felt compelled to transcribe the event for posterity. I should explain a couple of things though. The night before Quinn was telling a joke about why a chicken crossed the road and the his punch line was something along the lines of "to get ice cream" (hey, he thought it was hysterical). He was telling the same joke over and over again, so at one point instead of answering "Why?", I answered with "To get rice cream" (you had to be there, but I was eating rice at the time, so it's not like it was completely out of the blue). Later I changed the answer to "mice cream" and "nice cream", but the kids kept coming back the "rice cream" and thought that was really funny for some reason which is how it ended up in the next night's knock knock jokes.

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