Saturday, October 13, 2007

He Just Won't Listen

So we're back to tennis lessons this Saturday. Quinn's teacher even noticed that he had been missing last week. I get frustrated watching Quinn at the lessons though. You can see him do a move wrong. The instructor will literally come over and show him how he should do it. Then the very next thing he's doing it however he wants again. Like he keeps trying to swing the racket like it's a baseball bat. Both hands on it and over the shoulder. She'll show him the proper way to hold it and swing, and the very next hit he'll be swinging it like a bat again. It's like he has no interest in learning how to do something the correct way and only wants to do it the way he wants to.

I've also noticed that sometimes he's closing his eyes right before he hits the ball. I know he used to do his when playing baseball too. But I thought he had gotten past that for the most part. Guess not though.

Swing and a miss.


Home run.

They did a lot of practicing at the net today. Part of it was learning how to swing overhead in order to get ready to practice serving I believe. They never got to the actual serving. And at the rate they're going and their current skill levels, I'll be surprised if they do get to it before the lessons are over.

When we got home, Ginger and Catherine were taking a nap. After waiting about an hour for them to wake up, I let Quinn ride his bike down to one of the local parks (I went too in case you thought I was foolish enough to send him out in the neighborhood unsupervised).

What is it about kids that they want to be just like you. And when do they realize that you're not the greatest person on the planet? Right now Quinn still looks up to me and tries to do a lot of the stuff I do. Tonight he decided he wanted to wear glasses as he tried mine on.

Figured I should throw in a picture of Catherine. I didn't get to see a lot of her today with the tennis lesson and her napping. And did I mention that we bought a Christmas tree today? That's right, mid October and we bought a tree. Just so we don't seem completely insane, I'll go ahead and confirm that it's a fake tree. And while it was a bit expensive, it wasn't much more than double what we've been paying for a real tree for the past couple of years. The thing I don't like about it though is it has built in lights. I always liked decorating the tree myself and having the lights built in feels like cheating.

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