Monday, October 29, 2007


So much for fall. This morning the car was coated in frost as was the ground and everything in the front of the house. The car said it was a whopping 31 degrees out. It did warm up some later in the day, but it took a while. And what's the deal with not being able to find an ice scrapers. I must get one ice scraper every single year for Christmas, but then the next year rolls around and my ice scrapers are nowhere to be found. Somewhere out there I suspect there's a commune of ice scrapers on the lam. And they each probably take one sock with them when they leave. Think about it, it would explain a lot.

It's suppose to be cold again in the morning tomorrow, which is going to be a pain since Catherine's suppose to have a field trip to a pumpkin farm tomorrow. Sure would be nice if it was a little warmer tomorrow than it was today so we're not freezing out there, but from looking at the forecast it's not looking too promising. And this year Quinn won't be going since he's in the elementary program now and he's quite disappointed about it. We've tried to explain he's going to get to do things that Catherine doesn't (like the trip downtown the museum and ice skating later in the school year), but that doesn't seem to make any difference and he still thinks the fact that he's not going isn't fair.

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