Monday, January 21, 2008

License To Wed: The Office Lite

Follow up to yesterday's post since Gaz made a comment that I was underawed with Cloverfield. I liked Cloverfield. I didn't necessarily love it, but I liked it. Not sure it'll be movie of the year (although if all movies throughout the rest of the year stink, I suppose it's got a shot). I will say if anyone sees it there's an audio clip after the movie's credits. I'm not exactly sure what the clip says (I've seen the internet theories on it though), but figured I should mention it in case you wanted to leave the theater once the credits start rolling.

While the kids had today off from school I still had to go to work. From what I heard the kids had a play date over at Cece's so they got to play with Perry and Drew some today.

And it certainly appears as if Quinn's two bottom teeth that are coming in are coming in crooked. I was really hoping somehow the kids wouldn't inherit bad teeth from us, but I guess they had no shot at that.

Ginger and I watched License to Wed the other night. Before anyone gives me grief this was one of Ginger's Netflix movie rentals, not mine (although I did suggest it and she didn't have it in her list before I suggested it, but I still maintain the movie choice was her's). It's rare these days that I watch one of Ginger's movie rentals, but this was an exception to that. It's a romantic comedy with a dash of Robin Williams thrown in that's pretty formulaic, but still manages to be funny at times. It's not side splitting funny, but has a lot of humor throughout the movie. It's got the guy that plays Jim from The Office in it. I get the impression his acting range is a lot like that of William Shatner's (that is he's playing his role pretty close to the vest). The Office vibe is definitely there since the movie has a couple of other members of The Office cast in various minor roles in the movie (also playing their parts pretty close to their roles in The Office). A lot of the movie has him making funny facial expressions during various socially awkward situations, so like I said, there's a definite Office vibe going on.

The premise of the movie is that Ben (Jim from The Office) and Sadie (Mandy Moore) want to get married. She wants to get married in the church where she grew up, and the reverend there (Robin Williams) agrees to have the wedding there but they have to pass his couple's therapy course. Hijinks ensue. Overall though it was entertaining and a good alternative to the recent glut of reality TV that's taken over since the writer's strike began.

1 comment:

gaz said...

that's a beautiful shot my friend.