Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Tuesday Roundup

The itching is better today. Still have some issues once in a while, but for the most part, it's under control. It still looks like crap and my entire right arm underneath is red, but at least it doesn't itch constantly anymore. That is until about an hour and a half before I'm suppose to take my next dose of meds. And then for that 90 minutes I'm scratching like a madman.

Ginger and the kids are in Richmond sans power. There was evidently a storm there that took out power for most of the night. They evidently went to a pottery place today and made pottery for Grammy for her birthday. Ginger said she got some pictures and I told her to send them to me so I could post them. For some reason she still hasn't sent them (something about reminding me that they have no power), so you're left with more burn off pictures from the beach (I think I'm just about done with any of the interesting shots, so that's good news for everyone bored with leftover beach pictures I suppose).

This isn't as appropriate as it was a couple of weeks ago during the constant days of high 90 to 100 temperatures, but there was one of those make your own message signs in front a day care center that had the following joke on it (which is probably really old, but I found it amusing and at the time appropriate):

What did the pig say during the hot summer day?

Highlight for the answer:

I'm bacon!

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