Wednesday, August 08, 2007


How to have some fun. Give the kids a video recorder, turn it on and turn the viewer around so they can see themselves. Then tell them that you'll put what they film on the blog as a movie. What you get is about 20 minutes of kids being crazy. I've shortened that down to about four minutes of clips. Enjoy and let me know whether we should have more episodes of QCTV in the future. By the way, Quinn's talking about his racing movie in his intro in case people don't pick up on that.

I think I'm made mention in the past how we've started bribing Quinn into eating some new things. Basically he eats something new and he gets some Wii play time. Last night dinner had four new things, and he only had to try one. There was some baked chicken, string cheese, a carrot and an orange slice.

For the longest time he wouldn't eat any of it (even though he now eats bread with melted cheese on it). So finally I took the string cheese and pulled off a bunch of pieces and melted it onto a small flour tortilla. Just for grins I put a small piece of the chicken in there also and rolled the whole thing up so it was a like a Ho Ho (just substitute the tortilla for the cake and cheese for the cream filling). He ended up eating the whole thing.

He did pull a princess and the pea on me and told me how bad it tasted when he bit into the piece where the chicken was (he still never knew the chicken was there, but he did know that piece tasted different and apparently he didn't like it). So he eventually tried to get out of eating the whole thing by claiming his stomach hurt. That's his new thing that he always goes to like clockwork these days when he doesn't want to eat anymore, so we usually don't believe him if he says that during dinner (especially if it's near the end of dinner). That and the deal was he had to eat it all to play the Wii. So he eventually ate it all. And we were heading downstairs when he suddenly starts telling me how his stomach really really hurts. I found this odd since we weren't asking him to eat anymore. Then he follows that with "I think I'm going to throw up." Well crap, so I rush him to the bathroom and tell him to sit down and I'll go get him a bucket. Before I can leave he rips off about three really loud shall we say heiny burps. I gave him my best Spock cocked eyebrow and he looks at me, giggles, and then says "I think I feel better" and runs off to play the Wii.


Scott-tay said...

They're quite the actor/directors. I'll have to remember that line, in case it comes in handy: "I'm a bowling pin..."

BullBunky said...

That is mesmerizing. They sure are natural showmen! (But thank you for editing :)

Anonymous said...

heh... that's pretyy funny...
Yes. More QCTV... with themes!
Just one word suggestions. (i.e., circus, rodeo, nature, etc.)

my 2 cents

Anonymous said...

I came to see the swimming pictures from Barry's blog and read the dinner story old is quin cause my nephew(5) does the same thing and of course we always have to make deals with him to get him to do anything...just glad to see we're not the only ones. Also I loved the QCtv they looked like they had a lot of fun doing it.

JamesF said...

Quinn is six. And I've starting the bribing because at this point I just want him to start eating some regular food other than chicken nuggets.