Saturday, August 18, 2007

Finally, A Nice Day

Today I got up early to go take Ben to Dulles airport this morning. He's going to spend two weeks of his vacation going overseas to help build houses for Habitat For Humanity. Yep, he's using his own money for travel and two weeks of his vacation time to go off and make a difference while I sit here at home and complain about the fact that sometimes our heat pump doesn't work as well as I would like. Nothing like having someone put stuff into perspective for you.

The weather today was fantastic. It's amazing how a simple 10 degree drop in temperatures can make such a huge difference. It was in the low 80s, but it felt fantastic. We had the kids outside all morning and some of the afternoon.

Catherine tried jump rope for a while, but I can see it's going to be a while before she can do it by herself.

Quinn meanwhile just wanted us all to play baseball. No surprise there really. Although he did spend an inordinate amount of time (for him anyway) getting the field 'ready' to play on. I believe he 'cut the grass', used a 'weed trimmer', a blower and something that was evidently suppose to be like a metal detector for weeds. At one point Quinn was directing JJ and Catherine in helping to get the yard ready.

After our baseball game Ginger came out and joined us. Ginger showed Catherine how to 'jump rope' using a hula hoop. She seemed to be able to do that much better than actual rope.

Meanwhile Quinn got out his racing flags and was playing with those. Somehow he managed to convince Ginger to take up him up the street so he could wave the flags at people passing by. It was only about a minute after they left that Catherine decided she was going to go join them. I heard later that a jogger than came by got into it when the kids waved their flags as he passed by, he raised his arms like he was going across a finish line.

While Ginger and the kids were up the street I started doing some yard work / weeding. Once Ginger and the kids came back from flag waving they all pitched in and helped me. Quinn got bored with helping after about two minutes and went back to playing. Catherine on the other hand was my little gardener helper most of the time I was out there. She particularly liked using the big pruners. Although I was constantly worried she was going to lop off my fingers as I would hold out the weeds for her to cut (she didn't in case you were wondering).

Overall a fantastic day. The kids did start having issues near the end of the day, but I believe that's because they were both completely exhausted and hadn't napped. They're always a bit on edge when they get tired, so nothing really new there. We did end up going by Toys R Us partly because of a meltdown Quinn had. We were there to get Quinn some Lego blocks. He had a minor meltdown earlier when Ginger told him we were going to donate his old Duplo blocks to the church, so we were there to replace the Duplos with some regular Lego blocks.

So if we're at Toys R Us, that means a mandatory visit over to the section with the kid's toy electric cars. Quinn just sits in them and pretends to drive and then gets out and gets in the next one. Repeat ad nauseam. Of course decided he wanted one of the cars (actually at the toy store he usually decides he wants just about everything he sees, but this time he was particularly focused on the cars). Now these electric cars got for like $250 to $300. To me that's a lot of money for something that goes a maximum of 5 miles per hour (and I don't care if it does come with a built in working AM radio). So I explained to Quinn how much these were and that we couldn't get them. And he graciously volunteered to forgo getting the Lego's for one of the cars. I tried to explain that these cost a lot more, and then I told him I wasn't sure he understood exactly how much things cost. He assured me he did, so I asked him "How much money do you think the shirt you're wearing cost." He looked down at it, looked at me, thought for a moment and then offered up the answer of "I don't know, maybe a hundred dollars?"

The reason we wanted to go to Toys R Us today was there was an online coupon for 20% off any one item that expired today. So we printed out five and them and went to town. And even though the coupon explicitly says one per customer they don't care at all. We ended up buying 4 things and used a coupon on all of them. I gave our last printed out coupon to the kids behind me that was buying Jak 3 for the Playstation 2 (he looked like he was about 8 or 9 and seemed like he was using his own money to buy the game, so I figured I would save him a couple of dollars).

As it gets later and later I'm starting to worry I may have gotten into some poison ivy or something when weeding. Both my arms have scratches all over them from the the fact that a lot of the weeds had thorns, but in addition to the scratches they're itching like mad. I'm kind of hoping that it's from pieces of the prickly things breaking off inside the skin, but I suppose tomorrow we'll see if that's the case.

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