Saturday, August 25, 2007

Groundhog Day

Considering that it's Saturday and how hot it was today normally would be a pool post day. But the kids decided they didn't want to go to the pool for some reason. This meant trying to find interesting things to do in the house all day. This morning the kids played with their new Lego toys that they picked up from the Lego store in Richmond. Catherine has a Lego version of Lite Brite and Quinn got two Lego racers (I know, you're shocked that he would go for race cars). The Lego mosaic things comes with four potential pictures you can make I believe and Catherine started with the helicopter. And of the two cars Quinn got and put together he really really likes the yellow one for some reason.

After being in Richmond away from the cats all week both kids were suffering a bit at being back in a cat hair infested house. Catherine's eczema returned in full force and Quinn has been coughing and sneezing. Guess it's partly my fault for not cleaning / vacuuming while they were gone.

And we saw this guy out and about the area where I weeded last weekend. I've seen him before out in the woods. He has a burrow right near the creek I believe, but this was the first time I had seen him venture this far out of the woods.

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