Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Burgeoning Artist

Today was doctor visit day. In addition to Quinn going in for his six year checkup we also had Catherine going by the allergist today. Somewhere in there they also managed to have a picnic at a park from what the kids told me. And while at the doctor's office they found out all four of Quinn's front teeth are loose. Guess what Quinn's going to want for Christmas? I suppose it's possible (although I think it's improbable) that's Quinn has been resisting eating some things because of the loose teeth. Since tomorrow is the dentist appointments we'll know more about that then.

And check out my daughter the artist. She got a little bear in a McDonald's Happy Meal (directly above) and then decided to draw a bear based on the toy (top picture). None too shabby for a four year old (I think it's good anyway). It's much better than some of the stuff Quinn draws. Although he doesn't really draw all that much, so it's not quite a fair comparison, but at the same time she is almost two years younger. Maybe she's going to be get the artistic gene in the family like Will.

1 comment:

Barry said...

That's a great drawing.