Thursday, December 29, 2005

Quinn Has A Dream!

Quinn slept late this morning. Till past 10. That's a really good thing, since I'm sure he needed the extra rest, he's been going almost non stop since last Friday when our guests first arrived. All our house guests are gone (the last of them left yesterday). But Quinn sleeping late doesn't mean time off, since Catherine was up at 8. She's pretty much exhausted also, but she apparently is a morning person and has one of those internal alarm clocks where she wakes up about the same time each morning no matter what. We don't know where she gets it, since left to our own devices neither Ginger nor myself would be what you call a morning person. So I got up with Catherine and made her some pancakes for breakfast. Then we played house with her new Little Critters house. Ginger slept in till about 9:30. Oh yea, and speaking of 9:30, apparently in an earlier post I mentioned something about sleeping in till 9:30, apparently I slept until 10:30 according to Ginger, she thought the record needed to be set straight. Anyway, once Ginger got up, I let her take over watching Catherine and went downstairs to do some work. They started watching Cinderella, and Quinn woke up about 10 or 15 minutes into the movie. I missed this part, but Ginger told me about it later, that Quinn came downstairs and told her about a dream he had. Now we know he's had dreams before (a couple nightmares if nothing else), but Ginger pointed out that this was the first time that he actually remembered the dream, and knew that it hadn't really happened and that it was just a dream. This will come as no surprise to those of you that know Quinn, but the dream was about his new race track. Unfortunately I never got all the details about what happened in the dream. Maybe I can get that info from Ginger at some point.

After they finished watching Cinderella (
I'm still not keen on the idea of Catherine watching Cinderella since I really don't want her to get the idea that the only way she can succeed in life is if she's 'saved' by prince charming, but on the other hand, it is just a cartoon), Ginger decided she would take the kids and run some errands and I could go in to work. We decided we would meet up at Wendy's for lunch. So Ginger took off, and I got ready to go into work, and found out that my car is no longer starting. This is actually a little distressing. Not sure why it isn't starting. If anyone out there has any knowledge of what could be the problem, let me know. It's a Passat, I believe a 2002 model. Anyway, I can turn the key, and I can hear the engine doing the Rurr-rurr-rurr-rurr but it never catches and starts. Doesn't seem like a problem with the battery, since everything seems to work okay. It was low on gas the other night, but I stopped and put a couple gallons in (this was the Home Depot plumbing night, and I didn't feel I had time to completely fill it up). Couldn't really try jumping it since Ginger wasn't here, and it was raining anyway and I didn't feel like dealing with trying to jump it while it was raining. So I called up Ginger and finally got her (Cingular coverage around here pretty much sucks if you're in a store like Target, especially since we're still on the 'old' AT&T network) and she agreed to come pick me up for lunch.

We went to Wendy's, which even though it's fast food can quickly turn into close to a $20 meal with kids these days. After Wendy's Ginger wanted to run by Old Navy, so I foolishly told her she could drop me and kids off at my work and I would watch them while she went to the store. That was a mistake on my part. I managed to get some stuff done, but nowhere near as much as if I didn't have constant interruptions. At first they were fighting over who was touching the other's chair, or drawing on the other one's side of the white board. I finally was able to get some work done when they started working together creating some pulley using my window shades.

After that we came home and the kids took a nap (this is a point of contention since I thought they should nap, and Ginger wanted to keep them up and just put them to bed early). Quinn woke up a couple hours later, had some dinner and then went to bed (about 9:30). Just as he was going to bed though, Catherine woke up from her nap, and hasn't gone back to sleep yet (past midnight now). I can lay odds I'm going to be hearing about how bad that decision was on my part for the next week. The reason Catherine woke up is because she had an accident. She's pretty much completely potty trained now except for when she's sleeping, and even then, she's only had a couple of nights where she didn't make it through the night (I think it's going to take some time before she learns that she needs to get up in the middle of the night and go to the bathroom).

Latest movies we've watched.
  • Mod Squad
    • If it comes on TBS, it might be worth watching, maybe.
  • The Story Of Us
    • I actually liked this a lot. All married couples should watch this one.

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