Friday, December 23, 2005

No Workie Today

I have today off from work. Kind of nice. Bad side of it is we have to work Jan 2nd. It's strange, we've never had Christmas Eve off in the past, and this year, we get the day before Christmas Eve off. Anyway, I was going to spend today doing some last minute shopping, but then decided heck with that, people just won't get anything. We took some cookies and presents over to Rob and Gretchen's today since today is Autumn's Birthday. It took her a while to warm up to the idea of other people being there in her house. Quinn, Catherine and Autumn had a ball playing on Rob's pool table. It's not so much that they were playing pool as it was moving balls across the table.

We stopped by Safeway on the way home so that Ginger could buy them out of their supply of Yoplait Nouriche. It's basically a drinkable yogurt loaded up with protein and vitamins. It's one of the few ways we can get anything healthy into Quinn, and it appears that Giant and Wegman's have stopped selling them here in the DC area. After that 30 minute stop (Ginger refused to go through the 15 item express line because she had 16 items, even though they were all the same thing), the kids were starving, so we stopped by Baja Fresh for lunch. Apparently trying to find a place to park at this time of year is just crazy. We eventually found a place, and probably had to walk less than a mile to get to the restaurant. So after lunch, Ginger had this bright idea that we could go by the mall and pick up the pictures the kids had taken the day before. All I can say is, if signs say incoming traffic has the right of way, then you better stop and give the incoming traffic the right of way. What is it about this time of year that turns people into maniacs on wheels?

After that we finally came home. Tried to put the kids down for a nap, but Ginger's folk's showed up right after they had laid down, and Quinn saw them, so he got up never napped. Catherine slept for a bit, then after she got up she watched the Nutcracker for about an hour while Quinn was downstairs playing Nintendo. He loves it when Ginger's brother comes up to visit, because then he basically gets to play video games all the time. My plan of making people come here for the holidays has hit a minor snag, Ginger's grandmother took a spill as she was coming down the stairs tonight. Hopefully it's nothing serious. She could still walk on it, so in all likelihood nothing is broken, but this probably doesn't bode well for having future holidays here.

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