Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Eve

So today we decided that since the kids are going to be completely spoiled, and they have about a zillion presents, we would let them open up the gifts they were getting from Ginger's family today. I'm convinced that while they are spoiled, they like the idea of getting presents much more than the actual presents themselves. They were like little tornadoes of tinsel destruction leaving discarded wrapping paper and boxes in their wake. Catherine got a Ballerina dress that she really liked (with a boa no less). She also got some books, a backpack for ballerina class / school, and some Angelina stuff (which as I may have mentioned in the past, I'm not overly fond of the Angelina stuff). Quinn got a lot of NASCAR stuff like carrying trucks, matchbox sized cars, the and the some of the oversized cars. Quinn's big present was an electric race car track. It's one of those tracks where the cars sit in the groove on the track, and you have the little handle with a trigger that controls how fast it goes. It's going to take some time for him to master it I think, since he tends to just jam the trigger down and his car will careen off the track (it's like watching a NASCAR highlight reel). He got better at using it as the night went on. Strangely, I didn't get a picture of him playing with it. Gotta try and remember to rectify that tomorrow.

I skipped breakfast.
The reason I skipped breakfast was I slept in until like 9:30. One of the perks of having company up is there's someone to get up with the kids (although I think Ginger got up with them also, or maybe she was the only one, I don't know, for me nothing happened before 9:30). I finally got up and made myself an omelet for brunch, but there was no lunch because we had a big dinner early at around 4. I got around to cleaning the ice off the deck and tearing down some cardboard recycling in the time before dinner. We ended the evening by attending church services at 6pm. See, our church is one of those that decided attendance would suffer if they had services on Christmas morning, so they had Sunday morning services on Saturday night instead. Now Quinn had been going nonstop all day with no nap, so he was exhausted and fell asleep during the services about half way through. Catherine also has been going all day with no nap, but she has this weird behavior where she gets more and more hyper as she gets tired (I think it's a defense reaction on her part to actually keep her from going to sleep). So she fidgeted all the way through the service. After church we drove by and looked at some of the Christmas lights in our neighborhood. The kids went to bed shortly after we got home. Tonight's 'message' in church bothered me a bit, since it brought up this whole supposed 'War on Christmas'. And while he didn't refer to it with those terms, it's pretty obvious that's what he was talking about. This whole state of affairs seems really overblown. Almost like it was a slow news month, so they manufactured something to get people riled up about. Not sure exactly how there's suppose to be a 'War on Christmas' when there's more crossover between church and state than I can ever remember in my lifetime. We're almost to the point where the supreme court will be deciding cases based on scripture and personal beliefs instead of precedent and rule of law. I consider myself a Christian, and I'm not offended if someone uses Happy Holidays. Seriously, isn't there a prerequisite for being a Christian that says you forgive others. I don't see how getting indignant about a seasonal greeting does anything to showcase what it means to be a Christian. Comes across as a little crazy more than it does loving and forgiving. Sorry, went on a little longer there than I intended. My point (if I have one) is that the spirit of this season is not served by getting bent out of shape over something as innocuous as how someone refers to the holiday season.

I wanted to take this final section (not that I believe anyone is still reading at this point) to talk about Ginger. I joke a lot about her, but really, I'm not sure what I would do without her. At this point, because of the kids, I figure she's stuck with me though. And it's not like I'm that great of a husband, so she's really getting the raw end of the deal here. I didn't even get her Christmas presents, she bought almost all of her own presents (I did wrap them, but really, that was the absolute least I could do). And while I'm confident that she'll get something she wants, I can see how that is less than meaningful (just to lower people's opinion of me further, I didn't even get the kids any presents, she did all that too, at most I made some suggestions on what to get and then she took care of getting it). I fully admit that a lot of times I take all the work that she does for granted. She's watching the kids full time, keeping the house clean and livable (which as others can attest, with me living in the house is a monumental task), and still manages to get errands done. She doesn't really get a break. Even at night when I come home and take over / play with them, she's still fixing them dinner. She is the glue that keeps this family together, and I don't tell her that nearly enough. So Merry Christmas sweetheart, and I love you with all my heart.

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