Thursday, November 06, 2008


The leaves are in full color, and I suspect it won't be long now till they've all fallen and all we're left is a barren landscape of bare trees. But for now it's a bright and colorful wonderland.

No update on the Hippo / Spotty election today. Quinn constantly wants to check the web to see the current results though so for those of you that did vote, thanks. I'll include the vote link at the bottom of this post also so people don't have to be scrolling back to the original election post to find it.

Who should win?


BullBunky said...

I simply have to vote for Hippo, because who doesn't like kickball!!

The Dogfather said...

Gotta go with Hippo. I mean... Spotty endorsed an ad with violence against thermally challenged people. That's just not right.