Saturday, June 27, 2009

Boom! Head Shot!

Ginger and the kids are still in Richmond, and from the look of things will probably end up staying down there even longer so that Ginger can have some more time with her grandmother. So this meant I had time to work on a request Ben had made to have some head shots taken. He needed a head shot and had asked me if I could take some. Having never done this before I reluctantly agreed and told him I couldn't be blamed if we got nothing usable out of the experience since I've never tried this type of thing before.

I tried google'ing how to do it, and after weeding through all the websites that give advice to people having the head shot taken and all the sites of professionals saying why you should pay someone to do it instead of doing it yourself I finally found some useful advice. Unfortunately it wasn't the advice I was looking for (like what type of lens to use, what f-stop, best mm, etc).

We got a fair number of shots. I'm not sure which one Ben finally decided on, but the longer we went on the harder it was to keep taking it seriously so there ended up being some pretty amusing ones too. After the photo shoot I got to hang out with Ben for a while playing Little Big Planet until Katilyn and her family got back from shopping. Another reason why getting a PS3 is looking good since that's a PS3 only title and you can play it with four people, although just from playing with two people I think that playing with four would be tough since everyone has to stay on the screen.

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