Thursday, November 24, 2005

First Post!

Peer pressure. That's what ultimately is prompting this blog. Everybody else is doing it (ok, maybe not everybody, but a lot of my friends are, so I figure, what the heck, I'll give it a shot). At the current time I have a hard time believing this will be a daily update, but if nothing else, I figure I can use the space to keep some friends and family up to date with what's going on around here.

It's Thanksgiving, and last night we had our first snow of the season here. It started snowing during dinner around 8, and stopped around 10. It left a nice white covering on the ground. Since the kids didn't have to get up early, we decided to let them play outside for a bit. I'm feeling pretty good about that decision since it was 38 degrees during the night and this morning almost all the snow had melted. Luckily we were able to build a couple snowmen and do some sledding. Catherine especially like building snowmen, she would keep making balls and putting them on the snowman (which is why he looks like he has mouse ears and some form of lump on his chest).

With the snow it makes it hard to believe it was in the 70s and low 80s a couple weeks ago. I'm sure the crazy weather patterns have nothing to do with global warming. Seriously though, just a couple weeks ago the weather was nice enough that the kids were running around outside in short sleeves. They even broke out the sleeping bag and had a mini camp out in the front yard. For some reason, they thought both of them squeezing into one sleeping bag was a whole lot more fun than breaking out 2 sleeping bags.

This year represents a first of sorts for us. We're not traveling this holiday. Now that the kids are older, we've decided people can come to us. I like how it's going so far. We'll see if I still feel that way by the end of the weekend.

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