Friday, August 10, 2007

The Pain Returns

No Thursday update due to my being debilitated from a migraine. At least I think it was a migraine. It could have been something I ate I suppose. Last night I was the only one that had salad, so maybe there was something in that. Anyway, around nine last night I was trying to watch TV and I couldn't see the screen for all the spots in front of me. The spots are usually a warning sign of an impending migraine. So I gave up on watching TV and went to bed and tried to sleep it off. After 8 hours of restless sleeping I had a minor episode around 6:00 AM and then after that I think I started to recover. Although moving too quickly was still causing me great amounts of pain, but at least I could see for the most part.

So because of that I ended up staying home all day. I think around five I finally started to feel somewhat normal (the eight Advil I took over the four hours from lunch till five may have helped some also). The pain and stuff was still there, but way in the back of my head or just over my eye if I exerted myself. On the plus side, one of the nice things about having the blog is I'm able to semi track how often I'm getting these things. Looks like the last time was back in Feb.

To make things even better, the heat pump has been acting up throughout the week. It's been getting really hot upstairs during the day for the past week, but at night the heat pump has able to play catch up and cool it down somewhat. Today the temperature upstairs rose throughout the day, and it's showed no signs of slowing down. Even now at close to midnight it's getting to the point where it's actually hotter upstairs than it is outside (82 degrees upstairs, 80 outside), so one would think it can't get but so much hotter up there. None of that helps with the fact that we may need to be replacing the heat pump (although last time we had a problem when they came out to look at it they simply replaced a part and said they thought it should last for a while). I suspect the above average temperatures we've been having lately have been stressing it more than it's used to though.

I wasn't really feeling up to taking pictures of the kids today, so you'll have to settle for the picture up above that I took last weekend at the pool. It's a bit different from stuff I normally do, but I thought it was interesting.


Curt Sawyer said...

Our apartment in the summer with the A/C on is always between 79.5 and 82. Trying to make it any cooler would result in a power bill of $400+.

JamesF said...

We typically have the upstairs thermostat set to 79. So I think normally it doesn't have to work too hard. I guess it's just the higher than normal temperatures we've been having lately. But when it gets to be above 80 upstairs it becomes very noticable.

BullBunky said...

Talk about contrast. Life most San Francisco homes, ours does not have AC. The thermometer in our bedside clocks typically reads between 58 and 62 degrees at night.