Sunday, September 10, 2006

Catherine Goes To The Park Again

Ginger had nursery duty this morning at church again, but she was the only one there. So she volunteered me to help. I agreed to do it, but said I would not be changing diapers ("been there done that" for long enough now). Turns out she really didn't even need me as only three kids showed up, and one had a grandparent with him (two others tried to get dropped off, but went through so much separation anxiety that the parents didn't leave them). So with three adults and three kids we could do man to man defense.

After church it was time to meet the grandparents halfway to Richmond and pick up Quinn. I still not sure how I managed it, but yesterday I convinced Catherine that she didn't want to go pick up Quinn, but rather wanted to stay at home. And since Catherine isn't quite old enough to stay at home by herself yet (give her another couple of months), this meant I didn't have to go (at this point I was doing my best Mr. Burns impersonation and saying "Excellent").

Unfortunately for me, Catherine decided to ruin my well thought out plans. I had planned on driving her over to a park near one of the local schools, but she didn't want to get in the car. In fact, she didn't want to eat lunch either. What she did want to do was ride her bike to the local park again (the one we were just at yesterday). So I packed our stuff and off we went. It took a really long time to get there, because as we were going down one hill which is particularly long, but not particularly steep, Catherine for whatever reason decided she needed to ride the brake. I think she would go about 6 inches before hitting the brake and completely stopping. IT took forever to get down that hill. We did eventually get to the park though, and Catherine did have a lot of fun doing all the exact same things she did yesterday.

Once we got back, she still was insisting she wasn't hungry and didn't want anything to eat. So I just cooked up some grilled cheese sandwiches and put out some blackberries and let her graze for a bit. She eventually polished off all the blackberries and most of the grilled cheese (but that was only because I told her she couldn't have any chips until she ate her sandwich). After that we played some more (matching card game, guitar, hide and seek). She really needs to work on bringing her A game to hide and seek. Her telling me I have to be the seeker and that she's going to hide under the desk doesn't exactly add a lot of challenge to the game. What's even more amusing though is if she's hiding and you say out loud "I wonder where Catherine is?" she'll respond. Most of time she'll respond and tell you were she is, but sometimes she'll only respond with "I'm hiding" (I still need to work on getting her to understand that saying that basically tells people where you are). And before anyone things I'm picking on Catherine, if Quinn was here, he's not much better at it. I still remember the time Quinn insisted we play hide and seek with walkie talkies.

After a while I went ahead and put down Catherine for a nap, and while she was sleeping Ginger returned with Quinn. So Quinn's back (see image). He was very excited and kept telling me all about the races he went to, and all his new loot. Such as six new mini cars in addition to the shirt you see him wearing with his favorite driver Tony Stewart on it (later we had to try and explain that Tony didn't make the Chase and missed it by 16 points). It didn't take him long before he got tired of telling me about what he had done and was ready to start playing with his cars.

I'm going to try and weed through some of the photos that got taken of Quinn while he was at the races later in the week, but for now I made a copy of the photo they got taken with Quinn in front of Carl Edward's car. Check out Quinn keeping it real there with a crotch grab.

And today's unrelated photo is some caterpillar type thing. Scott, you're on.


Scott said...

Oooh! A challenge! That one was quite good. I didn't recognize it at first, and it took me over five minutes to find it!

I do believe it is an Anisota senatoria, aka the aptly named Orangestriped oakworm.

Scott said...

By the way, neat picture of C through the playground viewport. And you gotta give some credit to Q for the crotch grab! Where else, but a NASCAR event, would that be proper?

Also, here's a picture of that caterpillar in moth form. Rather a pretty moth, actually.