Saturday, July 22, 2006

Pool Day

Didn't have much on the agenda today except for going to the pool. But that one thing filled up most of the day. We ended up being at the pool for almost three hours. That meant we had to deal with two adult swims (the fifteen minute periods where the kids aren't allowed in the big pool).

I'm not sure whose idea sitting in the tube was, I think it was Ginger's idea. Catherine did it first, which meant that Quinn had to have a turn as soon as she was done. Not to long after I took those pictures though, the game became whoever wasn't in the tube would try and tip over whoever was in it.

Since I had the camera I tried getting some non kid shots. I still haven't decided whether I like these in color or B&W, but for now I'm leaning towards the B&W versions.

Once we got home and cleaned up, we all took a nap. I took one too, which turned into an extended nap as I didn't wake up till almost eight. I was pretty tired since I stayed up till all hours of the night last night and then got up early this morning with Quinn. Now the kids are going to the pool almost regularly the chlorine is wreaking havoc on Catherine's hair. Between the chlorine and the Catherine napping while her hair is wet, she ends up looking like she stuck her finger in a light socket by the time I get home to see her. Makes taking good pictures challenging to say the least.


BullBunky said...

Well, it was hot hot hot here today, so the pool looks mighty nice to me.

Scott said...

Great pictures of the kids.

Barry said...

catherine looks like a model in the last photo.

The Dogfather said...

1.21 Jigawatts! What was she thinking?!