Monday, February 13, 2006

More Snow Fun

Today is Rob's birthday. So click the link and send him what will now more than likely be a belated birthday greeting.

The snow made traffic going into work almost unbearable. I think it took me 9 minutes (it usually takes 8). The reality is the main roads seem to be perfectly clear. Our cul-de-sac is a mess with some ice and stuff on it (other side streets in our area seem to be in a similar state), but once you're out the main road through the neighborhood, everything is fine.

Ginger took Quinn and Catherine in to see the doctor today. Turns out that earache he was complaining about back on Saturday was actually a problem even though the hotline told us it wasn't. Something apparently burst in there and it's potentially infected. The good news is that the burst part has already healed. The bad news is now Quinn has to take some ear drops for the next couple of days.

I came home early so I could let the kids go sledding. On the way home, I stopped by CVS to pick up the kids prescriptions. Quinn had 2 prescriptions, but they were out of stock of one of them, so my conversation with the lady at the drive-up window went something like this:

Me: So what's the purpose of
the prescription that's
Pharmacy Lady: We're out of it. We
should have it in
Me: I know, I got that, I
want to know why it
would be used.
Pharmacy Lady: We can't use it, it's
out of stock. Try
back tomorrow.
Me: Right, you said that.
The prescription that's
missing, what's it for?
Pharmacy Lady: It's for... Let me look,
it says it's for Quinn.
Me: Okay. One more time. I
want to know what is the
reason he would be
taking it. Is it for the
cold? Is it for his ear
Pharmacy Lady: Oh, it's an antibiotic.
Me: Thank you.

They have no mouths, but they must scream

Once I got home, I had to inflate the tube sled. It took a long time, and we went out before it was done. The kids posed with the snowman army. Ginger had to finish blowing it up and bring it out to us. I think both kids had a lot of fun for the limited time we were out. And they both seemed to enjoy the sledding, but they did have some problems walking through the deep snow to get to the hill. I took some video of the sledding, but I'm not Barry or Scott, so who knows how long it'll be until I actually put it into a format that's worthy of something to upload. At this point it's like 20 minutes of video with most of the video being us walking up the hill, it's going to require some serious time editing.

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